Many job seekers think that there is some magic formula or one best way to write a resume. The truth is, if you ask 20 different people on how best to write a resume, you will get 20 different opinions.
Without adding to the confusion, what does this mean for us? Remember: a resume is designed to market you as a candidate, and there are numerous ways to successfully market you to employers. The main criteria for setting the right resume writing strategy is: IT DEPENDS! It depends on your current career goals, and it depends on how you choose to position yourself to achieve that goal.
While every group of job seekers (from students to managers to people with work gaps to the unemployed) has a different set of requirements and challenges, one thing is clear: we must write the resume to support our job search objectives.
Remember that a resume’s purpose is to properly market a candidate’s skills, abilities, and expertise in order to secure an interview. This means that your resume should grab the reader’s attention with a concise, meaningful, organized, full-of-accomplishments message. In most cases, the first reader is an ATS, since most employers use Applicant Tracking Systems to screen resumes and weed out undesirable candidates. By reading each job posting closely, matching the keywords in the job posting to those in your resume, and tweaking your resume accordingly to each submission you make, I’m confident that the strategy you choose will be the right one!